Two is a magic number

Sometimes, my enthusiasm gets me into trouble. Like right now. I had every intention of putting the fun back in my photography by taking this online class (Intuitive Lens!), but instead, I am feeling a wee bit overwhelmed.

It's okay though. I'm going to start where I am. And right now, well, that is at the very beginning.

So, let me share with you one of the first prompts (I hope that's okay...), because it really got me thinking and I thought it might get you thinking too. Or, better, yet - feeling.

We have been asked to choose two of our favorite photographs taken by other people and think about why we like them. Then, choose two of our own photographs and think about why we like those. Are you with me?

Okay. So, here goes. First up - my two favorite photographs by other people.

1) This photo from Tibet by Shinya Arimoto. Honestly, I love all of his work, but this one is one of my favorites. It is an ordinary moment. Simple and honest. I love, love, love the light in this photo and the fact that it's black and white. If you get a chance, I highly recommend checking out his portraits. You won't regret it.

2) This photo of a three legged coyote from photographer Kevin Russ. The fact that the coyote is looking straight into the camera haunts me. I love it. Again, it appears to be an ordinary moment and yet there is almost a magical feel to this photo. All sorts of questions come up: What happened to that coyote's leg? Why is he just standing there? What happened to those trees behind him? I'll never know...

Now. Two of my favorite photos from my own work.

This first photograph happened completely by accident. I was photographing flowers at the Austin Botanical Gardens and decided to get some shots of the old log cabin replica that is built there. I peaked inside with my camera and a young girl appeared in the window, looking in. I love her curiosity and of course, the light. But I also love that it is a young, modern girl peering into the (reconstructed) past.

This second photo is from Boulder, Colorado. What I love about this is the feeling of being on the ground, inbetween the flowers. And I was, literally. To me, it is calm and reminds me of being a little kid, with nothing to do but pick dandelions and stare up at the clouds all day.

What about you? Do you have any favorite photographs? What is it you like about them? What do they evoke in you?