Old enough to be your father

Sometimes, life surprises me. An unexpected turn of events left me with a free Saturday afternoon. So. Despite feeling mildly under the weather, I packed up my new Polaroid ("Pola") and my digital camera and marched out the front door in search of photos.

I ended up at the Zilker Botanical Gardens, because, oddly enough, there are flowers blooming right now.

I went through all of my polaroids in the rose garden, then tucked them away to let them develop. I pulled out my digital, you know, just as a back up - just in case the polaroids didn't turn out (they didn't - not really, but that's another story).

Holding my digital again felt familiar and delicious and I completely lost myself taking photos.

I got lost in the roses.

And found myself completely smitten with a bed of faery-like purple flowers.

Then, by complete accident, I stumbled upon a young girl looking through an old cabin replica from the 1800s.

These photos were made all the more lovely by applying a vintage-y preset or Photoshop action I discovered on Angie Muldowney's site (thank you!). I am currently obsessed with presets (and vintage photographs). I typically do a minimal amount of post-processing, but it can still be time-consuming. Presets are, quite frankly, a godsend.

AND they are totally and completely fueling my vintage obsession. Yay!

Is it just a phase? Who knows. But I'm definitely enjoying it...