Hey girl, it's summer

Well, hello there. It's summer. It's hot. And my digital sabbatical for the month of June has come to a close. I've thoroughly enjoyed it, but I'm also excited to get back into writing again. If you ever get the chance to do a digital sabbatical yourself, I highly recommend it.

At the beginning of June, I sat down and wrote out all of the little things I was committed to and discovered that I've been doing a lot! So I've started paring down hobbies and committments. Only problem is, I love everything I'm doing. It's hard to say no to anything in my life right now. However, I am no good to anyone if I am running myself ragged. Who wants just half a Robin, ya know? Something I'm working on...

So. I have learned a few things this past month. Here are some of them, in no particular order:

  • Writing contributes greatly to my happiness.
  • Dogs are awesome. Especially my sister's dog (a gorgeous siberian husky).
  • Everyone I meet is struggling in some way. A lot of people are in pain. Some, very much so.
  • I love teaching. Especially meditation. I'm not really sure how this happened as I used to be terrified of speaking in public (oh, the stories I could tell you...but won't).
  • I have a lot of warm-hearted love and affection for Shambhala folks. Most especially, Susan Piver.
  • I am an HSP or Highly Sensitive Person. Also called Sensory-Processing Sensitivity.
  • Eating blueberry cobbler at Eastside Cafe transports me to summers spent in my Mema's kitchen (Mema is my grandmother, who turned 100 on July 2!).
  • I am totally, head over heels in love with San Francisco. And, I might move there next year.

More on these later. In the meantime, tell me about you. What have you been up to? How's your summer going? What have you learned about yourself so far this summer?